San Diego State University prohibits the use of motorized scooters on campus to ensure...

San Diego State University prohibits the use of motorized scooters on campus to ensure pedestrian and rider safety in high traffic areas.


Photo via Nathan Rupert/ Flikr.

San Diego State University has announced that beginning this fall micro-mobility devices such as motorized dockless scooters are no longer permitted on campus.

The university enacted this new policy after a report compiled by PATS showed a 22% increase in incidents involving bicycles, scooters, and skateboard – both motorized and manual. In an effort to increase safety, the campus has designated eight parking areas where these devices may be used.

The policy was officially approved in March 2019 following concerns for pedestrians and riders on campus. Especially with accidents involving electric and motorized scooters. Thus, resulting in the University Senate to vote in favor of prohibition of micro-mobility transportation.

To enforce the policy, the campus has teamed with micro-mobility companies to set up geofencing around the campus that will alert riders when they are approaching a “no-ride” zone. As riders enter “no ride” zones their devices will begin to slow, and they will be notified that they must park it. The university says, that those who fail to adhere to the new policy and continue use of motorized devices on campus will result in a $75 fine.